Sunday, October 30, 2011

Where is Abu "Zabi"?

So lately, my sister and/or I have been going out every night this week to run some weird sort of errand that catches us off clue. We would just ask people for where things are and such stuff like that.

So on a random day in Eid, we went to the camel souq. Some of the things that I saw will scar me for life.

So we're around the Bawadi mall and souq, but we nearly end up going to the Oman border, so we turn back around and had to stop and ask. So our to great friends (who speak Arabic) got out and started talking to the person closest we could find in the middle of nowhere. So, as they are speaking, my family is just sitting in the car, relaxing by eating Doritos as we watch them point. What confuses that they do, they point here, then there then on the other side of the road, then to Oman, then back to Bawadi mall, and then BACK to Oman, and then here, and then in the direction of the mountain in front of us, and then by the location where we need to go. As us Americans know that that isn't useful, apparently all of the Arabs know exactly what that means. Yet enough, we get there without asking again.

So we arrive to the camel souq, with everywhere smelling of the bowels of the devils, we pull up by the wood shop, hoping that we will be able to find it. We then set off, and saw the goats immediately, but it wasn't going to be their lucky day. We all know the story of Abraham and his son (Islamic the same) and the goat to sacrifice instead. So billions of goats were being bought and I'm glad I didn't have to be doing that because they are dirty, disgusting, and rude creatures. So as we walk along, we finally get to the camel part of the souq that we've been looking for and as soon as we got there, the camels started spitting everywhere. We walk along the gate that keeps them in (that they supposedly are able to jump) and our friend who was with us, started to spit his water at the camels faces. It's wrong because he's doing that, but at the same time, it's hilarious. So we take a lot of photos of them (sadly, I forgot my camera, but I had my phone!) and some of them are truly amazing. We walk up to one of the gates and we saw three 2 week old camels as tall as a human, and only again at a sheer 2 weeks. It was so adorable, but it was so ugly too. It also kept on whining to the other adult camels which was so bad to hear.

As we start heading back to the car, our friend asks how much one of the camels are, and the guy said about $1,970, only for a regular camel. So we get back and find our car, and we find someone smoking by the wood, and our friend saw a sign that said 'No smoking by the wood'. It's ironic why that they don't notice that one guy smoking.

From there on, we went to the Bawadi Mall, got something to eat, and leisured back home, to the park, and then another restaurant, and then home.
Well, on top of everything here, IT ISN'T ABU ZABI! Honestly, it's not that hard to pronounce. To my main point, a lot of crazy, weird, strange stuff is always going on here and apparently, I got into thrown into all of the mix of it (lucky me! like really, just LUCKY me).

What is just scary is all of the workers staring at you. Really, I know that were you come from has people, but this isn't the only time you've seen us "Westerners" here because I know that more than 100,000 "Westerners" are driving on the same road towards the roundabout that your working on. I mean that's all that they do. Don't they have a job to do? Well I know that they do, because I see them every morning, doing something that they aren't supposed to do. When they stare at you, it's like they've never seen a human in their life.

School here isn't what you call and "American" standard, because if you give an Emirati a magic marker (permanent marker), they paint the surface of everything with them. Thank's to my lovely friend, Mr. S*******r, I learned never give one to them. (Like I'm that prone to give out his name). All the Arab kids are very crazy, because they talk to much, and they act like weird, crossed children.

The school that I'm going to isn't normal in ANY way shape or form because it doesn't even look like a school. It's like one huge building, that has an "H" form, on the right side, the boy's side (separated sexes here), and on the left, the girls. In front and around, there are huge concrete walled "gates" that are very scary and makes it look intimidating. My sister and I are the ONLY Americans and one Canadian (Sadly, he's in fifth grade so I don't see him much.) MOST of my teachers speak ESL (English as a Second Language) so I barely understand them. My English teacher can speak fluent English, but the problem is that he mispronounces a lot of words. Link unconscious, he says "un-con-sesh-u-us" and that bugs me out. My math teacher also speaks fluent English, but the problem is that no one pays attention, so I zone out after the 20,000,000,000 time she said it. My science teacher speaks broken English so it's nearly impossible to understand her. All she says "Ok, do you get it?" while she thinks that I'm a clueless git. (P.S. A lot of people think that Americans are dumb. I love to prove them wrong, ☺ haha!) Most of my other teachers are like the same, so that will be a different post to talk about.

When I first got here, we had to go to Al Jimi Mall (which I just went there!) and I honestly can live without it now. For the first 3 1/2 - 4 weeks, we didn't have internet because no one knows where we live and they also cut the cable for the WHOLE apartment building (smooth move on their part) and that p***** me off. Well everyday after school, I really hate packing up just to go use the internet at a little coffee shop at the UAE's Wal★Mart (Carrefour). I really hope that we will have internet as long as we are here because I can't do another trip there just to use the internet. So mom, I beg you, please don't take us there again because I will deeply regret that you did. If you do, make sure the internet is working.

So my only friend that I am talking to is N**h P*****n (Really, you thought I was going to give out another name?) because he really is trying to keep contact. Most of my other friends haven't tried to keep contact and that's making me mad because I'm a nice person. What did I do wrong. What I also don't understand is that I sent 2 emails to my Social Studies teacher in my hometown and she hasn't responded at all. I'm trying to be a nice person here. (P.S to those who are reading this from my hometown (you know who I'm talking about) I'm coming back in the summer!) So all of that, I really hope that I'm not doing anything wrong and people start responding, because I want to come and see you! (And I need some CONE ZONE. For God-knows-why reason, I was smelling the inside of Cone Zone)

After all, I hope that what I write is interesting (because I am myself,) because I really want to know if I have people liking my *funny* humor.

If your really desperate to contact me, here's my email:


  1. Sage, I can't wait to read more posts from you. Keep writing!!!!

  2. Sage, great job. You have to post camel fotos! I love reading your adventures. Thanks for writing. I look forward to many more. :)

  3. It was so adorable, but it was so ugly too. <------funny!

    Sage listen to MOMMY keep writing!


    I want to read more! Pictures too!
